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Planned Giving

Create Your Legacy

Offer hope and opportunity for years to come with a legacy gift to the Catherine McAuley Center! 

Mission Society

The Mission Society is a group of supporters who are committed to the Catherine McAuley Center’s mission of offering hope and opportunity by either:

  • Including the Catherine McAuley Center in their will or estate plans or
  • Lifetime cumulative giving of $25,000 or more 
Membership has defined criteria and comes with the knowledge that members have played a direct role in setting up CMC for long-term success. Making a major gift and/or naming CMC in your estate planning is the key to the door of the Mission Society.
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Why belong?

Like Catherine McAuley herself, we have the opportunity to use our resources to benefit others and make our community a stronger place for those who come after us. The Catherine McAuley Center is, as you know, 100% funded by grants and donors like you. America is a land of opportunity, and Cedar Rapids is a vibrant and growing community. Combined that makes us a continued destination for those seeking a better life. Help us ensure that CMC remains a a safe, welcoming place for our neighbors at no cost to them, for generations to come.

When inducted into the Mission Society, a new member receives:

  • Mission Society Award
  • Special recognition at our Annual Celebration event
    • Please note that your gift, should you choose, can always remain anonymous.
  • Recognition on the new Mission Society donor wall (currently being conceptualized)
  • Annual Appreciation & Induction Luncheon
  • The knowledge that CMC will continue to thrive, grow, and evolve with the changing needs of our community, now, and into the future!

How to Join

Planned Giving

  • Leave a substantial dollar amount or a percentage of the assets in your estate to the Center.
  • Name the Center as the beneficiary of all or a portion of your IRA or pension plan.
  • Name the Center as the beneficiary of all or a portion of a life insurance policy.
  • Create a charitable remainder trust with the Center as a residuary beneficiary.

Major Gift Donation

  • Reach a Lifetime giving total of $25K
  • Make a one time gift of $25K or more
  • Pledge a dollar amount to reach $25K
  • Pledge $5K for 5 years
More Information


You are invited to choose how your gift will be designated. Our easy to fill out form allows you to choose our Endowment Fund, an Unrestricted Gift, or new this year, BOTH. We want you to feel at ease with where your gift is applied, and we want it to be on your terms. You can choose 100% to either designation or you can split your gift in any allocation you would like. Bolstering the endowment will support the greatest needs of the community. Unrestricted funding supports CMC’s greatest needs at the time your gift is realized.

Sample Language for Documents

It is important to provide clear instruction in your will or estate plans to ensure the executor can carry out your wishes. The following language may be helpful for you and your attorney or financial advisor:

“I, (name), of (City, State, Zip), give, devise, and bequeath to the Catherine McAuley Center, Inc. of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, (written amount or percentage of the estate).”

Some types of planned gifts, such as naming the Catherine McAuley Center as the beneficiary of an IRA, may require you provide additional information:

  • Catherine McAuley Center Tax ID/EIN: 42-1342872
  • Address: 1220 5th Avenue SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 52403
  • Contact person: Director of Development & Communications

Contact Us

Please contact the Resource Development Team to discuss joining the Mission Society through planned giving. We’d be glad to discuss naming opportunities or how to give through your will, life insurance policy, appreciated stock, IRA, or other options. Please work with your attorney or financial advisor to determine which option is right for you.